Welcome to the OHNI Forum

Members of the Network can participate in the Forum discussions, ask for advice and share news of projects, publications and events.  If you indicate that you wish to participate, you will be assigned a unique password for access to the Forum.

This forum operates on the “honour” principle – it is open to all OHNI members with few restrictions on content, but it is moderated by members of OHNI’s steering committee. We hope that this forum will encourage lively, productive discussions between members and help with our aim of providing a way for our members to share resources and information, and advance the discussion of oral history in Ireland

Participants on this forum are expected to treat each other with dignity and respect. All participants have the right to engage in debate. Please remember that a disagreement with your opinion is not an attack on you, personally. However, in order to maintain a proper level of discourse, postings that use offensive language, spam or advertising, misleading information, personal attacks or unlawful behaviour are prohibited.

Any such postings will be deleted immediately. Individuals who engage in such activity will have their posting privileges permanently revoked.

Thank you

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